ISBT 128 is the global standard for human medical products. Currently, Asia Integrated Cell Laboratory is the only institution in Hong Kong that has obtained ISBT 128 certification in the field of cells.
It is reported that ISBT 128 is a global standard for terminology, identification, coding and labeling of human medical products (including blood, cells, tissues and organ products). It is used in 87 countries and different healthcare systems on six continents, and is widely recognized by the professional community.
This standard aims to ensure the highest standard of accuracy, safety, and efficiency, which will benefit donors and patients around the world. ISBT 128 provides international consistency, supports the transfer of blood, cells, tissues and organs, traceable blood transfusions or transplants.
The ISBT 128 standard is extremely important. It was approved by the ISBT Council in 1994 and is now internationally recognized. Its board of directors for cell therapy products is supported by the boards of AABB, ASFA, ASBMT, EBMT, FACT, ISBT, ISCT, ISCT Europe, JACIE, NMDP and WMDA.
Currently, facilities in more than 87 countries on six continents are registered to use ISBT 128.
According to statistics, currently the globally certified institutions: